Excel Function: WEBSERVICE


The WEBSERVICE function is Excel’s means of calling a web service and capturing its response.

Invocations of the WEBSERVICE function take the form:




ArgumentArgument typeDescription
urlMandatoryRepresents the endpoint of the web service to be called.

Related Functions

ENCODEURLWEBSERVICE(ENCODEURL(url))Sanitise a URL then use it to call a web service.
FILTERXMLFILTERXML(WEBSERVICE(ENCODEURL(url)),xpath)Sanitise a URL, use it to call a web service, then extract data from the response.

Error Conditions

The WEBSERVICE function will respond with an error value if any of the following conditions are met.

Error valueCondition typeCondition
#VALUEBad argumentThe length of the value supplied to the url argument exceeded 2,048 characters.
#VALUEBad argumentThe protocol used to form the value supplied to the url argument was neither HTTP nor HTTPS.
#VALUEBad argumentThe value supplied to the url argument was not the endpoint of an accessible web service.
#VALUEBad argumentThe value supplied to the url argument did not represent a well-formed URL.
#VALUERuntimeA web service was called successfully and its response’s length exceeded 32,767 characters.

Example 1: Successfully Invoking a Web Service




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<eve-industry-api version="1.0" method="system-cost-index">
    <solarsystem id="30000142" name="Jita">
        <activity id="1" name="Manufacturing">0.1344</activity>
        <activity id="3" name="Researching Time Efficiency">0.0007</activity>
        <activity id="4" name="Researching Material Efficiency">0.0007</activity>
        <activity id="5" name="Copying">0.0007</activity>
        <activity id="7" name="Reverse Engineering">0</activity>
        <activity id="8" name="Invention">0.0007</activity>
        <activity id="11" name="Reactions">0.001</activity>

Example 2: Extracting Values from an XML Response

The FILTERXML function was applied to the result from example 1. It gets the value from the activity tag whose id attribute equals 3.





Example 3: Receiving a JSON response

It is possible to capture a JSON response provided by a web service. However, because Excel does not provide a function which can extract data from JSON, in the same way FILTERXML can from XML, JSON is difficult to parse with functions alone. In practice, one must either (1) construct a formula leveraging Excel’s text functions, (2) use VBA, or (3) use Power Query.




{"fact":"Phoenician cargo ships are thought to have brought the first domesticated cats to Europe in about 900 BC.","length":105}

Example 4: Errors caused by ENCODEURL

Encoding instances of URL reserved characters will cause the WEBSERVICE function to fail. Because of this, only apply the ENCODEURL function to the portions of a URL which either (1) do not contain URL reserved characters or (2) contain URL reserved characters which must not be treated as such.

1=WEBSERVICE("https://catfact.ninja/fact"){"fact":"Most cats adore sardines.","length":25}
3=WEBSERVICE("https://catfact.ninja/"&ENCODEURL("fact")){"fact":"Most cats adore sardines.","length":25}
5=WEBSERVICE("https://"&ENCODEURL("catfact.ninja")&"/"&ENCODEURL("fact")){"fact":"Most cats adore sardines.","length":25}
7=WEBSERVICE(ENCODEURL("https")&"://"&ENCODEURL("catfact.ninja")&"/"&ENCODEURL("fact")){"fact":"Most cats adore sardines.","length":25}