Excel Function: VALUE


The VALUE function converts a value with a data type of date, (decimal) number, time, text or duration to a number. A text value passed to the VALUE function must (1) consist of numbers, digit grouping symbols, decimal symbols and currency symbols arranged so it conforms to the local number & currency formatting rules, or (2) be interpretable as being either a date, time or duration.

Invocations of the VALUE function take the form:



ArgumentArgument typeDescription
textMandatoryA value with a data type of date, number, time, text or duration to be converted into a number.

Related Functions


Error Conditions

Error valueCondition typeCondition
#VALUE!Bad argumentThe value supplied to the text argument could not be converted to a number.

Examples: Explanatory Notes

Example 1: Converting Text to Numbers

1=VALUE(1)1Convert text representing a single digit integer to a number.
2=VALUE(1.1)1.1Convert text representing a number with 1 digit after the decimal point to a number.
3=VALUE("1.00E+10")10000000000Convert text representing a number expressed in scientific notation to a number.
4=VALUE("3,000,000.12")3000000.12Convert text representing a number and containing digit grouping symbols to a number.
5=VALUE("3,0000,00.12")#VALUE!Convert text containing misplaced digit grouping symbols to a number.
6=VALUE("£3,000,000.12")3000000.12Convert text representing a monetary amount to a number.
7=VALUE("$3,000,000.12")#VALUE!Convert text representing a monetary amount to a number.
8=VALUE("F")#VALUE!Convert a letter (which represents 15 in hexadecimal) to a number.
9=VALUE("12:00:00")0.5Convert text representing a time to a number.

Example 2: Converting Dates to Numbers

1=VALUE(DATE(2023,5,7))45053Convert a date to a number.

Example 3: Converting Times to Numbers

1=VALUE(TIME(12,0,0))0.5Convert a time to a number.
2=VALUE(TIME(18,0,0))0.75Convert a time to a number.

Example 4: Converting Durations to Numbers

1=VALUE(TIME(18,0,0) - TIME(12,0,0))0.25Convert a duration to a number.

Example 5: Converting Currencies to Numbers

Example‘Text’ argumentResultDescription
1USD/GBP#VALUE!Convert a stock to a number.

Example 6: Converting Geographies to Numbers

Example‘Text’ argumentResultDescription
1New York#VALUE!Convert a geography to a number.

Example 7: Converting Money to Numbers

Example‘Text’ argumentResultDescription
1£30003000Convert a monetary amount denominated in £ to a number.
2$3000#VALUE!Convert a monetary amount denominated in $ to a number.

Example 8: Converting Stocks to Numbers

Example‘Text’ argumentResultDescription
1MICROSOFT CORPORATION (XNAS:MSFT)#VALUE!Convert a stock to a number.