Excel Function: FIXED
The FIXED function converts a numeric value, or a value that can be interpreted as one, into a text value. The FIXED function never expresses results in scientific notation and its output is always a value of type text. Values supplied to its arguments control the number of digits in the result’s mantissa and the presence of the digit grouping symbol . The operating system’s number formatting settings control:
Invocations of the FIXED function take the form:
The operating system’s number formatting settings have no influence over:
The character used to represent the negative sign, which is always the standard minus symbol (-).
The digit grouping convention, which is always “123,456,789.00000001”.
Argument Argument type Description number Mandatory A numeric value to be transformed into text. decimals Optional. Defaults to 2 if omitted. An integer which:determines how many digits will appear in the result’s mantissa . controls the number of decimal places to which the result will be rounded. no_commas Optional. Defaults to FALSE if omitted. A logical value which determines if the result will contain digit grouping symbols .
Related Functions
Error Conditions
Error value Condition type Condition #VALUE! Bad argument The value supplied to the number argument could not be interpreted as being a number. #VALUE! Runtime The result generated by the FIXED function was greater than 255 characters in length.
Example Formula Result Description 1 =FIXED(1000000000.12345,4,TRUE)
Convert a large-positive number with 5 digits in its mantissa to text. 2 =FIXED(1000000000.12345,4,FALSE)
Convert a large-positive number with 5 digits in its mantissa to text. 3 =FIXED(0.001293,7,TRUE)
Convert a small-positive number with 6 digits in its mantissa to text. 4 =FIXED(0.001293,7,FALSE)
Convert a small-positive number with 6 digits in its mantissa to text.digit grouping symbols are omitted from the result becausethey can only appear to the left of the decimal point. 4 digits need to appear to the left of the decimal point for them to appear. the mantissa is rounded to 7 decimal places0.001293 becomes 0.0012930 5 =FIXED(9.421E+21,8,TRUE)
Convert a number with no mantissa expressed in scientific notation into text. 6 =FIXED(9.421E+21,8,FALSE)
Convert a number with no mantissa expressed in scientific notation into text. 7 =FIXED(-1000000000.12345,4,TRUE)
Convert a large-negative number with 5 digits in its mantissa to text.digit grouping symbols are omitted from the result because no_commas is TRUE.the result is prefixed with a minus symbol (-) to indicate it is negative. the mantissa is rounded to 4 decimal places. 8 =FIXED(-1000000000.12345,4,FALSE)
Convert a large-negative number with 5 digits in its mantissa to text.digit grouping symbols are included in the result because no_commas is FALSE.the result is prefixed with a minus symbol (-) to indicate it is negative. the mantissa is rounded to 4 decimal places.