Excel Text Functions

ARRAYTOTEXTConverts a set of values into either an array constant or a comma-delimited list.
BAHTTEXTExpresses a number as a monetary amount in Thailand’s language and currency.
CHARTranslates a number into the character to which it corresponds in the character set of your computer.
CONCATGenerates a text value by combining several other values together.CONCATENATE
DOLLARTransforms a numeric value into a text value and applies currency formatting to the result.
EXACTCompares two text values and returns TRUE if they’re identical, or FALSE if they are different.
FINDSearches for and returns the location of one text value in another text value.
FIXEDConverts a numeric value, or a value that can be interpreted as one, into a text value.
LEFTReturns a subset of a text value’s characters, taken from its left-hand side.
LENCounts and returns the number of characters in a text value.
LOWERTransforms all upper-case characters in a piece of text to lower case.
MIDReturns a subset of the characters contained in a text value.
PROPERCapitalizes the first letter of every word within a text value.
REPLACESwaps a section of a text value for another text value.
REPTGenerates a text value containing 1 or more copies of another text value.
RIGHTReturns a subset of a text value’s characters, taken from its right-hand side.
SEARCHSearches for and returns the location of one text value in another text value.
SUBSTITUTESwaps a sequence of characters in a text value for another text value.
TEXTConverts a value to text and changes its appearance with a format code.
TEXTAFTERReturns everything from a text value following the appearance of a delimiter within it.
TEXTBEFOREReturns everything from a text value preceding the appearance of a delimiter within it.
TEXTJOINGenerates a text value by combining several other values together.
TEXTSPLITSplits text values into parts, and places each one into a different cell.
TRIMReplaces sequences of 2 or more spaces with a single space and removes leading and trailing spaces.
UNICHARTranslates a number into its corresponding unicode character.
UNICODEReturns the unicode number of the first character in a text value.
UPPERTransforms all lower-case characters in a text value to upper case.
VALUEConverts a value’s data type to number.
VALUETOTEXTConverts a value of any type to a text value.