When expressed as decimal numbers, all hexadecimal digits are multiples of 16n, with n being the digit’s position relative to the hexadecimal point. Because of this, numbers expressed in the hexadecimal number system are said to be in base 16.
A radix of 16 can be appended to any number to remove any doubt it has been expressed in the binary number system, for example: 4F16.
In the table below, each digit of the hexadecimal number 9AF17.BC1 is converted into the value it represents.
9 x 164 + 10 x 163 + 15 x 162 + 1 x 161 + 7 x 160 + 11 x 16-1 + 12 x 16-2 + 1 x 16-3 = 634647.734619140625.