Excel Function: MID


The MID function returns a subset of the characters contained in a text value. Its output is always a text value. The value passed to the start_num argument defines the position of the leftmost character to be returned, and the num_chars argument defines the total number of characters to return.

Invocations of the MID function take the form:



Consider a cell containing the formula:


The formula instructs the MID function to extract a sequence of 4 characters from the text value “abcdefg“. First, the character in position 2 (“b“) is located. Next, a text value is formed consisting of “b” and the 3 characters succeeding it (“cde“). Finally, the value “bcde” is returned. The process is illustrated below:

Step 1: locate the character in position 2 ("b") of "abcdefg". Step 2: isolate 4 sequential characters, whose leftmost character is "b". Step 3: return "bcde".


ArgumentArgument typeDescription
textMandatoryA text value MID will extract a subset of characters from.
start_numMandatoryThe position of the leftmost character to be extracted from the text argument.
num_charsMandatoryThe number of characters to be extracted from the text argument.

Related Functions


Error Conditions

Error valueCondition typeCondition
#VALUE!Bad argumentThe value suppled to start_num was ≤ 0.
#VALUE!Bad argumentThe value supplied to num_chars was < 0.


1=MID("abcdefg",2,3)bcdExtract 3 characters from “abcdefg“, starting from the character at position 2.
  • The character at position 2 is “b“.
  • The sequence of 3 characters starting from “b“, is “bcd“.
2=MID("abcdefg",2,15)bcdefgExtract 15 characters from “abcdefg“, starting from the character at position 2.
  • The character at position 2 is “b“.
  • 15 characters do not exist between “b” and the end of “abcdefg“.
  • Fewer characters being available than were requested does not cause an error.
  • All available characters are extracted and “bcdefg” is returned.
3=MID("abcdefg",10,1)Extract 1 character from “abcdefg“, starting from the character at position 10.
  • No character exists at position 10.
  • Requesting characters outside the bounds of “abcdefg” does not cause an error.
  • The empty text value is returned.
4=MID("abcdefg",1,0)Extract 0 characters from “abcdefg“, starting from the character at position 1.
  • The character at position 1 is “a“.
  • 0 characters are extracted and the empty text value is returned.

Examples: Errors

1=MID("abcdefg",0,2) #VALUE!Extract 2 characters from “abcdefg“, starting from the character at position 0.
  • Because no character can exist at position 0 in a text value, #VALUE! is returned.
2=MID("abcdefg",1,-1) #VALUE!Extract -1 characters from “abcdefg“, starting from the character at position 1.
  • A text value cannot be constituted from a negative number of characters.
  • #VALUE! is returned.