Excel Function: UPPER


The UPPER function transforms all lower-case characters in a text value to upper case. Its output is always a value of type text. If it operates on a value stored by Excel as a number, like a date, then the number underpinning that value is converted to text and becomes the UPPER function’s output.

Invocations of the UPPER function take the form:



ArgumentArgument typeDescription
textMandatoryA value whose lower case characters will be transformed to upper case.

Related Functions



1=UPPER("ABC-DEF")ABC-DEFUpper case letters and punctuation marks are unaltered by UPPER.
2=UPPER("aBc-dEf")ABC-DEFOnly lower case letters are altered by UPPER.
3=UPPER(TODAY())45056When UPPER operates on a date, the output is the number used to represent it, as text.
4=UPPER("ѐ å 漢")Ѐ Å 漢If no upper case version of a character exists then it will be unchanged in the output.